The survey company DPS-MARINEX Ltd. has been providing survey and adjusters services to residents and non-residents of Ukraine since 1994. Beginning its activities under the name of MARINEX-ITS Ltd. and being the representation of the international company Intermodal Transportation Services (ITS) Inc. at the territory of Ukraine, in 1998 the company was officially registered in Ukraine and became an independent legal entity, the resident of Ukraine. In 2003 rebranding of the company took place, and further it was acting under the name of DPS-MARINEX Ltd.
The company is an exclusive agent of the international survey network of DP Survey Group at the territory of Ukraine and in Moldova with the head office in Antwerp (Belgium).
DPS-MARINEX Ltd. is the official agent of the insurance associations CESAM , France and AIMU , USA and the correspondent of two greatest Norwegian Clubs engaged in H&M insurance – Gard and Norwegian Hull Club.
The head office of DPS-MARINEX Ltd. is located in Odessa (Ukraine). Its staff surveyors and local agents provide services in all Ukrainian sea and river ports and in Moldova. Being integrated in the international survey network, the company can offer survey services practically anywhere in the world via colleagues /partners.
The staff of the company consists of highly qualified employees with higher basic professional education, broad experience in surveys and marine specialists having the certificate and diploma of IIMS (International Institute of Marine Surveyors), United Kingdom, or who are in training nowadays.
Condition survey of vesselsRead more
Survey of cargoesRead more
Loss preventionRead more
Port operator’s liabilityRead more
Investigation of lossesRead more

• pre-insurance / periodical surveys of vessels, including yachts / barges / pleasure small size boats
• inspection of cargo compartments of vessels, including ultrasonic testing of holds for weathertight integrity
• confirmation of towing operations
• survey of damage to hull, machinery and equipment

• pre-loading condition surveys of cargoes
• load / stow / securing surveys, including breakbulk and large-size cargoes and heavy-lifts
• containers stuffing / unstuffing surveys
• draught survey / tally operation

• warehouse inspections (silos, warehouses for general cargoes), port / handling terminals
• checking of the availability of the commodity at the warehouse, including coverage of loans

• pre-insurance / periodical surveys of vessels, including yachts / barges / pleasure small size boats
• inspection of cargo compartments of vessels, including ultrasonic testing of holds for weathertight integrity
• confirmation of towing operations
• survey of damage to hull, machinery and equipment

• pre-loading condition surveys of cargoes
• load / stow / securing surveys, including breakbulk and large-size cargoes and heavy-lifts
• containers stuffing / unstuffing surveys
• draught survey / tally operation

• warehouse inspections (silos, warehouses for general cargoes), port / handling terminals
• checking of the availability of the commodity at the warehouse, including coverage of loans

Investigation of the liability of the road / sea / air / rail carrier, forwarder and the terminal operator on the basis of the local legislation and international conventions.
View more• assessment of the nature, extent and causes of the damage to the insured object and the extent of the loss
• settlement / decrease of the loss, including working out of salvage actions, finding of a potential buyer for the damaged object